Learn Slovak and More Podcast
This show is about learning Slovak Language, Slovak culture, traditions and everything in between
Learn Slovak and More Podcast
How to say “Fight for democracy! “ in Slovak; November Fun Facts; Important International Dates in November; S7E14
Today's episode is about November fun facts and some countries important dates in November. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words about international days and some countries’ holidays. You will also learn how to say “Fight for democracy!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short paragraph with a few of my thoughts on November.
Episode notes
In today's episode, I’m talking about November fun facts and some countries important dates in November. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words about international days and some countries’ holidays. You will also learn how to say “Fight for democracy!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short paragraph with a few of my thoughts on November.
Slovak lesson
1. jesenný mesiac (autumn month)
2. rímsky kalendár (Roman calendar)
3. Veterný mesiac (Wind month)
4. Mesiac krvi (Blood month)
5. Mesiac bobra (Beaver moon)
6. Berlínsky múr (The Berlin Wall)
7. Svetový deň slobody (World Freedom Day)
8. Svetový deň láskavosti (World Kindness Day)
9. sloboda a demokracia (freedom and democracy)
10. Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu (The day of the fight for freedom and democracy)
11. Deň vďakyvzdania (Thanksgiving Day)
12. Bojujte za demokraciu! (Fight for democracy!)
1. November je posledným jesenným mesiacom. (November is the last month of autumn.)
2. November môže byť trochu nudný. (November can be a bit boring.)
3. November sa v starom rímskom kalendári nazýval novem mensis. (November in the old Roman calendar, was called novem mensis.)
4. Skorý rímsky kalendár mal len 10 mesiacov v roku. (Early Roman calendar had only 10 months in a year.)
5. Anglosasovia nazvali November „Veterný mesiac“ alebo “Mesiac krvi“. (The Anglo-Saxons called November Wind Month or Blood Month.)
6. V koloniálnych časoch sa mesiac v novembri nazýval Mesiac bobra. (Back in colonial times, the moon in November was called Beaver Moon.)
7. Vo Veľkej Británii je 5. november Deň Guya Fawkesa. (In the UK, November 5 is Guy Fawkes Day.)
8. V Nemecku si 9. novembra ľudia pripomínajú pád Berlínskeho múru. (In Germany, on November 9, people commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall.)
9. 9. november si pripomíname aj ako Svetový deň slobody. (November 9 is also remembered as World Freedom Day.)
10. 13. november je Svetovým dňom láskavosti. (November 13 is World Kindness Day.)
11. Na Slovensku a v Českej republike je 17. november Dňom boja za slobodu a demokraciu. (In Slovakia and Czech Republic, November 17 is Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day.)
12. V USA sa Deň vďakyvzdania koná štvrtý štvrtok v novembri. (In the US, Thanksgiving takes place on the fourth Thursday of November.)
00:35 Introduction to the episode
02:35 About November
05:03 Fun fact 1
06:43 Fun fact 2
10:36 Fun fact 3
11:10 Fun fact 4
12:23 Slovak lesson
17:55 Sentences
22:53 My thoughts on November
24:15 Final thoughts
If you have any questions, send it to my email hello@bozenasslovak.com. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com
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