Learn Slovak and More Podcast
This show is about learning Slovak Language, Slovak culture, traditions and everything in between
Learn Slovak and More Podcast
How to say “Back to school “ in Slovak; Beginning of the New School Year; Dialogue; S7E5
Today's episode is about going back to school. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my school supplies vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “Back to school“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode is my short dialogue between mother and her little son about his first day at school.
Episode notes
In today's episode, I’m talking about going back to school. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my school supplies vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “Back to school“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue between mother and her little son about his first day at school.
Slovak lesson
1. školské potreby (school supplies)
2. školská taška / ruksak / batoh (school bag / backpack)
3. zošit / zošity (notebook / notebooks)
4. ceruzka / ceruzky (pencil / pencils)
5. guma (eraser)
6. pero / perá (pen / pens)
7. pastelky (crayons)
8. fixky (markers)
9. farebné ceruzky (colored pencils)
10. pravítko (ruler)
11. lep (glue)
12. lepiace tyčinky (glue sticks)
13. nožnice (scissors)
14. peračník (pencil case)
15. obedár (lunchbox)
16. fľaša s vodou (water bottle)
17. dezinfekčný prostriedok na ruky (hand sanitizer)
18. Späť do školy (Back to school)
Mama: Tak tu sú zošity, perá, ceruzky, guma, pravítko a pastelky. Vilko, aký bol tvoj prvý deň v škole? (So here are the notebooks, pens, pencils, eraser, ruler and crayons. Vilko, how was your first day at school?)
Vilko: Bolo to úžasné, mami! Hrali sme hry a stretol som nového priateľa menom Leo, plným menom Leonard. (It was wonderful, mom! We played games and I met a new friend named Leo, full name Leonard.)
Mama: To je skvelé! čo ste ešte robili? (That's great! what else have you been doing?)
Vilko: Vyfarbili sme obrázok rakety a pani učiteľka nám prečítala príbeh o medveďovi, ktorý chodí do školy. Bolo to vtipné! (We colored a picture of a rocket and the teacher read us a story about a bear that goes to school. It was funny!)
Mama: Zdá sa, že si sa bavil. (Looks like you had fun.)
Vilko: Áno, veľmi! Ale nevedel som, kde je jedáleň. (Yes, very much! But I didn't know where the dining room was.)
Mama: Tak si sa mal niekoho opýtať. (So you should have asked someone.)
Vilko: Opýtal som sa pani učiteľky a tá mi vysvetlila, že nás tam všetkých odvedie ona, keď bude čas obeda. (I asked the teacher and she explained that she would take us all there when it‘s lunchtime.)
Mama: To je ešte lepšie. Som taká rada, že si mal dobrý deň. (That's even better. I'm so glad you had a good day.)
Vilko: Aj ja. Ale ráno som bol veľmi nervózny. Nevedel som, či sa mi tam bude páčiť. (Me too. But in the morning I was very nervous. I didn't know if I would like it there.)
Mama: A páčilo sa ti tam? (And did you like it there?)
Vilko: Áno, veľmi. (Yes, very much.)
00:34 Introduction
02:31 Going back to school
07:20 Slovak lesson
14:18 Dialogue
16:00 Dialogue with the English translation
18:53 Final thoughts
If you have any questions, send it to my email hello@bozenasslovak.com. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com
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